Class ComponentDefinition¶
Defined in File sixtyfps_interpreter.h
Class Documentation¶
class sixtyfps::interpreter::ComponentDefinition¶
ComponentDefinition is a representation of a compiled component from .60 markup.
It can be constructed from a .60 file using the ComponentCompiler::build_from_path() or ComponentCompiler::build_from_source() functions. And then it can be instantiated with the create() function.
The ComponentDefinition acts as a factory to create new instances. When you’ve finished creating the instances it is safe to destroy the ComponentDefinition.
Public Functions
inline ComponentDefinition(const ComponentDefinition &other)¶
Constructs a new ComponentDefinition as a copy of other.
inline ComponentDefinition &operator=(const ComponentDefinition &other)¶
Assigns other to this ComponentDefinition.
inline ~ComponentDefinition()¶
Destroys this ComponentDefinition.
inline ComponentHandle<ComponentInstance> create() const¶
Creates a new instance of the component and returns a shared handle to it.
inline sixtyfps::SharedVector<PropertyDescriptor> properties() const¶
Returns a vector of that contains PropertyDescriptor instances that describe the list of public properties that can be read and written using ComponentInstance::set_property and ComponentInstance::get_property.
inline sixtyfps::SharedVector<sixtyfps::SharedString> callbacks() const¶
Returns a vector of strings that describe the list of public callbacks that can be invoked using ComponentInstance::invoke_callback and set using ComponentInstance::set_callback.
inline sixtyfps::SharedString name() const¶
Returns the name of this Component as written in the .60 file.
inline ComponentDefinition(const ComponentDefinition &other)¶