Template Struct SharedVector

Struct Documentation

template<typename T>
struct slint::SharedVector

SharedVector is a vector template class similar to std::vector that’s primarily used for passing data in and out of the Slint run-time library. It uses implicit-sharing to make creating copies cheap. Only when a function changes the vector’s data, a copy is is made.

Public Functions

inline SharedVector()

Creates a new, empty vector.

inline SharedVector(std::initializer_list<T> args)

Creates a new vector that holds all the elements of the given std::initializer_list args.

inline SharedVector(const SharedVector &other)

Creates a new vector that is a copy of other.

inline ~SharedVector()

Destroys this vector. The underlying data is destroyed if no other vector references it.

inline SharedVector &operator=(const SharedVector &other)

Assigns the data of other to this vector and returns a reference to this vector.

inline SharedVector &operator=(SharedVector &&other)

Move-assign’s other to this vector and returns a reference to this vector.

inline const T *cbegin() const

Returns a const pointer to the first element of this vector.

inline const T *cend() const

Returns a const pointer that points past the last element of this vector. The pointer cannot be dereferenced, it can only be used for comparison.

inline const T *begin() const

Returns a const pointer to the first element of this vector.

inline const T *end() const

Returns a const pointer that points past the last element of this vector. The pointer cannot be dereferenced, it can only be used for comparison.

inline T *begin()

Returns a pointer to the first element of this vector.

inline T *end()

Returns a pointer that points past the last element of this vector. The pointer cannot be dereferenced, it can only be used for comparison.

inline std::size_t size() const

Returns the number of elements in this vector.

inline bool empty() const

Returns true if there are no elements on this vector; false otherwise.

inline T &operator[](std::size_t index)

This indexing operator returns a reference to the th element of this vector.

inline const T &operator[](std::size_t index) const

This indexing operator returns a const reference to the th element of this vector.

inline const T &at(std::size_t index) const

Returns a reference to the th element of this vector.

inline void push_back(const T &value)

Appends the value as a new element to the end of this vector.

inline void push_back(T &&value)

Moves the value as a new element to the end of this vector.

inline void clear()

Clears the vector and removes all elements. The capacity remains unaffected.


inline friend bool operator==(const SharedVector &a, const SharedVector &b)

Returns true if the vector a has the same number of elements as b and all the elements also compare equal; false otherwise.

inline friend bool operator!=(const SharedVector &a, const SharedVector &b)

Returns false if the vector a has the same number of elements as b and all the elements also compare equal; true otherwise.