Global Singletons#
Declare a global singleton with global Name { /* .. properties or callbacks .. */ }
make properties and callbacks available throughout the entire project. Access them using
For example, this can be useful for a common color palette:
global Palette {
in-out property<color> primary: blue;
in-out property<color> secondary: green;
export component Example inherits Rectangle {
background: Palette.primary;
border-color: Palette.secondary;
border-width: 2px;
Export a global to make it accessible from other files (see Modules). Export a global from the file also exporting the main application component to make it visible to native code in the business logic.
export global Logic {
in-out property <int> the-value;
pure callback magic-operation(int) -> int;
// ...
Usage from Rust
export global Logic {
in-out property <int> the-value;
pure callback magic-operation(int) -> int;
export component App inherits Window {
// ...
fn main() {
let app = App::new();<Logic>().on_magic_operation(|value| {
eprintln!("magic operation input: {}", value);
value * 2
// ...
Usage from C++
#include "app.h"
fn main() {
auto app = App::create();
app->global<Logic>().on_magic_operation([](int value) -> int {
return value * 2;
// ...
Usage from JavaScript
let slint = require("slint-ui");
let file = slint.loadFile("app.slint");
let app = new file.App();
app.Logic.magic_operation = (value) => {
return value * 2;
app.Logic.the_value = 42;
// ...
It’s possible to re-expose a callback or properties from a global using the two way binding syntax.
global Logic {
in-out property <int> the-value;
pure callback magic-operation(int) -> int;
component SomeComponent inherits Text {
// use the global in any component
text: "The magic value is:" + Logic.magic-operation(42);
export component MainWindow inherits Window {
// re-expose the global properties such that the native code
// can access or modify them
in-out property the-value <=> Logic.the-value;
pure callback magic-operation <=> Logic.magic-operation;
SomeComponent {}