Selecting a Widget Style#

Slint offers a variety of built-in widgets which can be imported from "std-widgets.slint". You can modify the look of these widgets by choosing a style.

The styles available include:

Style Name Light Variant Dark Variant Description
fluent fluent-light fluent-dark These variants belong to the Fluent style, which is based on the Fluent Design System.
material material-light material-dark These variants are part of the Material style, which follows the Material Design.
cupertino cupertino-light cupertino-dark The Cupertino variants emulate the style used by macOS.
cosmic cosmic-light cosmic-dark The Cosmic variants emulate the style used by Cosmic Desktop.
qt The Qt style uses Qt to render widgets. This style requires Qt to be installed on your system.
native This is an alias to one of the other styles depending on the platform. It is cupertino on macOS, fluent on Windows, material on Android, qt on linux if Qt is available, or fluent otherwise.

By default, the styles automatically adapt to the system’s dark or light color setting. Select a -light or -dark variant to override the system setting and always show either dark or light colors.

The widget style is determined at your project’s compile time. The method to select a style depends on how you use Slint.

If no style is selected, native is the default.

Selecting a Widget Style with Rust:#

You can select the style before starting your compilation by setting the SLINT_STYLE environment variable to the name of your chosen style.

When using the slint_build API, call the slint_build::compile_with_config() function.

When using the slint_interpeter API, call the slint_interpreter::ComponentCompiler::set_style() function.

Selecting a Widget Style when using C++#

Define a SLINT_STYLE CMake cache variable to contain the style name as a string. This can be done, for instance, on the command line:

cmake -DSLINT_STYLE="material" /path/to/source

Previewing Designs With slint-viewer#

Select the style either by setting the SLINT_STYLE environment variable, or by passing the style name with the --style argument:

slint-viewer –style material /path/to/design.slint

Previewing Designs With The Slint Visual Studio Code Extension#

To select the style, first open the Visual Studio Code settings editor:

  • On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings

  • On macOS - Code > Preferences > Settings

Then enter the style name in Extensions > Slint > Preview:Style

Previewing Designs With The Generic LSP Process#

Choose the style by setting the SLINT_STYLE environment variable before launching the process. Alternatively, if your IDE integration allows for command line parameters, you can specify the style using --style.