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// Copyright © SixtyFPS GmbH <info@slint.dev>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Slint-Royalty-free-1.1 OR LicenseRef-Slint-commercial
This module create dynamic types
The main entry point for this module is the TypeBuilder
use core::alloc::Layout;
use generativity::Id;
use i_slint_core::rtti::FieldOffset;
use std::rc::Rc;
unsafe fn construct_fn<T: Default>(ptr: *mut u8) {
core::ptr::write(ptr as *mut T, T::default());
unsafe fn drop_fn<T>(ptr: *mut u8) {
core::ptr::drop_in_place(ptr as *mut T);
/// Information for type that can be added to a dynamic type.
/// Let the builder know how to construct and build these fields
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct StaticTypeInfo {
/// Invariant: this function must be safe to call on a uninitialized memory matching `mem_layout`.
/// Can only be None if the field is meant to be initialized by another mean (e.g, the type pointer
/// allocated at the beginning of the type)
construct: Option<unsafe fn(*mut u8)>,
/// Invariant: this function must be safe to call on an instance created by the `construct` function.
/// If None, the type does not need drop.
drop: Option<unsafe fn(*mut u8)>,
/// Memory layout of the type
mem_layout: Layout,
impl StaticTypeInfo {
/// Returns a StaticTypeInfo suitable for the type `T`
pub fn new<T: Default>() -> StaticTypeInfo {
let drop = if core::mem::needs_drop::<T>() { Some(drop_fn::<T> as _) } else { None };
StaticTypeInfo { construct: Some(construct_fn::<T>), drop, mem_layout: Layout::new::<T>() }
/// Internal structure representing a field within a dynamic type
struct FieldInfo {
construct: Option<unsafe fn(*mut u8)>,
drop: Option<unsafe fn(*mut u8)>,
offset: usize,
/// A TypeInfo represents the metadata required to create and drop dynamic type
/// It needs to be built with the TypeBuilder.
pub struct TypeInfo<'id> {
mem_layout: core::alloc::Layout,
/// Invariant: each field must represent a valid field within the `mem_layout`
/// and the construct and drop function must be valid so that each field can
/// be constructed and dropped correctly.
/// The first FieldInfo must be related to the `Rc<TypeInfo>` member at the beginning
fields: Vec<FieldInfo>,
id: Id<'id>,
/// A builder for a dynamic type.
/// Call `add_field()` for each type, and then `build()` to return a TypeInfo
pub struct TypeBuilder<'id> {
/// max alignment in byte of the types
align: usize,
/// Size in byte of the type so far (not including the trailing padding)
size: usize,
fields: Vec<FieldInfo>,
id: Id<'id>,
impl<'id> TypeBuilder<'id> {
pub fn new(id: generativity::Guard<'id>) -> Self {
let mut s = Self { align: 1, size: 0, fields: vec![], id: id.into() };
type T<'id> = Rc<TypeInfo<'id>>;
s.add_field(StaticTypeInfo {
construct: None,
drop: Some(drop_fn::<T<'id>>),
mem_layout: Layout::new::<T<'id>>(),
/// Convenience to call add_field with the StaticTypeInfo for a field
pub fn add_field_type<T: Default>(&mut self) -> FieldOffset<Instance<'id>, T> {
unsafe { FieldOffset::new_from_offset_pinned(self.add_field(StaticTypeInfo::new::<T>())) }
/// Add a field in this dynamic type.
/// Returns the offset, in bytes, of the added field in within the dynamic type.
/// This takes care of alignment of the types.
pub fn add_field(&mut self, ty: StaticTypeInfo) -> usize {
let align = ty.mem_layout.align();
let len_rounded_up = self.size.wrapping_add(align).wrapping_sub(1) & !align.wrapping_sub(1);
self.fields.push(FieldInfo {
construct: ty.construct,
drop: ty.drop,
offset: len_rounded_up,
self.size = len_rounded_up + ty.mem_layout.size();
self.align = self.align.max(align);
pub fn build(self) -> Rc<TypeInfo<'id>> {
let size = self.size.wrapping_add(self.align).wrapping_sub(1) & !self.align.wrapping_sub(1);
Rc::new(TypeInfo {
mem_layout: core::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(size, self.align).unwrap(),
fields: self.fields,
id: self.id,
impl<'id> TypeInfo<'id> {
/// Create an instance of this type.
/// The instance will be allocated on the heap.
/// The instance must be freed with `delete_instance`
pub fn create_instance(self: Rc<Self>) -> InstanceBox<'id> {
unsafe {
let mem = std::alloc::alloc(self.mem_layout) as *mut Instance;
/// Create an instance of this type.
/// Safety: The memory must point to a region large enough to fit [`Self::layout()`]
/// that can safely be overwritten
pub unsafe fn create_instance_in_place(self: Rc<Self>, mem: *mut Instance<'id>) {
// Safety: the TypeInfo invariant means that the constructor can be called
let mem = mem as *mut u8;
std::ptr::write(mem as *mut Rc<_>, self.clone());
for f in &self.fields {
if let Some(ctor) = f.construct {
/// Drop and free the memory of this instance
/// Safety, the instance must have been created by `TypeInfo::create_instance_in_place`
pub unsafe fn drop_in_place(instance: *mut Instance) {
let type_info = (*instance).type_info.clone();
let mem = instance as *mut u8;
for f in &type_info.fields {
if let Some(dtor) = f.drop {
/// Drop and free the memory of this instance
/// Safety, the instance must have been created by `TypeInfo::create_instance`
unsafe fn delete_instance(instance: *mut Instance) {
let mem_layout = (*instance).type_info.mem_layout;
let mem = instance as *mut u8;
std::alloc::dealloc(mem, mem_layout);
pub fn layout(&self) -> core::alloc::Layout {
/// Opaque type that represents something created with `TypeInfo::create_instance`
pub struct Instance<'id> {
type_info: Rc<TypeInfo<'id>>,
_opaque: [u8; 0],
impl<'id> Instance<'id> {
/// return the TypeInfo which build this instance
pub fn type_info(&self) -> Rc<TypeInfo<'id>> {
impl<'id> core::fmt::Debug for Instance<'id> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Instance({:p})", self)
/// A pointer to an Instance that automatically frees the memory after use
pub struct InstanceBox<'id>(core::ptr::NonNull<Instance<'id>>);
impl<'id> InstanceBox<'id> {
/// return a pointer to the instance
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> core::ptr::NonNull<Instance<'id>> {
pub fn as_pin_ref(&self) -> core::pin::Pin<&Instance<'id>> {
unsafe { core::pin::Pin::new_unchecked(self.0.as_ref()) }
pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Instance<'id> {
unsafe { self.0.as_mut() }
impl<'id> Drop for InstanceBox<'id> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { TypeInfo::delete_instance(self.0.as_mut()) }