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// Copyright © SixtyFPS GmbH <info@slint.dev>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Slint-Royalty-free-2.0 OR LicenseRef-Slint-Software-3.0
//! Android backend.
//! **Note:** This module is only available on Android with the "backend-android-activity-06" feature
//! Slint uses the [android-activity crate](https://github.com/rust-mobile/android-activity) as a backend.
//! For convenience, Slint re-exports the content of the [`android-activity`](https://docs.rs/android-activity) under `slint::android::android_activity`.
//! As with every application using the android-activity crate, the entry point to your app will be the `android_main` function.
//! From that function, you can call [`slint::android::init`](init()) or [`slint::android::init_with_event_listener`](init_with_event_listener)
//! # Example
//! This is a basic example of an Android application.
//! Do not forget the `#[no_mangle]`
//! ```rust
//! # #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
//! #[no_mangle]
//! fn android_main(app: slint::android::AndroidApp) {
//! slint::android::init(app).unwrap();
//! // ... rest of your code ...
//! slint::slint!{
//! export component MainWindow inherits Window {
//! Text { text: "Hello World"; }
//! }
//! }
//! MainWindow::new().unwrap().run().unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! That function must be in a `cdylib` library, and you should enable the "backend-android-activity-06"
//! feature of the slint crate in your Cargo.toml:
//! ```toml
//! [lib]
//! crate-type = ["cdylib"]
//! [dependencies]
//! slint = { version = "1.6", features = ["backend-android-activity-06"] }
//! ```
//! ## Building and Deploying
//! Building a Rust application requires the target toolchain to be installed. You can install it via `rustup`. For example, to target AArch64 Android, use the following command:
//! ```sh
//! rustup target add aarch64-linux-android
//! ```
//! Make sure that you have the Android NDK and SDK installed and set up in your development environment.
//! For detailed instructions on how to set up the Android NDK and SDK, please refer to the [Android Developer's guide](https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/install-ndk).
//! The following environment variables need to be set:
//! * `ANDROID_HOME`: The directory in which your Android SDK is located. Usually `$HOME/Android/Sdk`.
//! * `ANDROID_NDK_ROOT`: The directory in which your Android NDK is located. Usually `$HOME/Android/Sdk/ndk/${NDK_VERSION}`. ${NDK_VERSION} is the version of the NDK you have installed.
//! * `JAVA_HOME`: The directory in which your Java compiler (`javac`) is located. This variable is optional if a `javac` is found in your `$PATH`.
//! Otherwise you can set `JAVA_HOME` to the `javac` installation shipped with Android Studio in `android-studio/jbr`.
//! To build and deploy your application, we suggest the usage of [cargo-apk](https://github.com/rust-mobile/cargo-apk),
//! a cargo subcommand that allows you to build, sign, and deploy Android APKs made in Rust.
//! You can install it and use it with the following command:
//! ```sh
//! cargo install cargo-apk
//! ```
//! Build and run your application with the following command:
//! ```sh
//! cargo apk run --target aarch64-linux-android --lib
//! ```
//! Note Slint does not require a specific build tool and can work with others, such as [xbuild](https://github.com/rust-mobile/xbuild).
/// Re-export of the android-activity crate.
target_os = "android",
any(feature = "backend-android-activity-05", feature = "backend-android-activity-06")
pub use i_slint_backend_android_activity::android_activity;
target_os = "android",
any(feature = "backend-android-activity-05", feature = "backend-android-activity-06")
/// Re-export of the [android-activity](https://docs.rs/android-activity) crate.
pub mod android_activity {
pub struct AndroidApp;
pub struct PollEvent<'a>(&'a ());
/// Re-export of AndroidApp from the [android-activity](https://docs.rs/android-activity) crate.
pub use android_activity::AndroidApp;
use crate::platform::SetPlatformError;
/// Initializes the Android backend.
/// **Note:** This function is only available on Android with the "backend-android-activity-06" feature
/// This function must be called from the `android_main` function before any call to Slint that needs a backend.
/// See the [module documentation](self) for an example on how to create Android application.
/// See also [`init_with_event_listener`]
pub fn init(app: android_activity::AndroidApp) -> Result<(), SetPlatformError> {
/// Similar to [`init()`], which allow to listen to android-activity's event
/// **Note:** This function is only available on Android with the "backend-android-activity-06" feature
/// The listener argument is a function that takes a [`android_activity::PollEvent`](https://docs.rs/android-activity/latest/android_activity/enum.PollEvent.html)
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
/// #[no_mangle]
/// fn android_main(app: slint::android_activity::AndroidApp) {
/// slint::android_init_with_event_listener(
/// app,
/// |event| { eprintln!("got event {event:?}") }
/// ).unwrap();
/// // ... rest of your application ...
/// }
/// ```
/// Check out the [module documentation](self) for a more complete example on how to write an android application
pub fn init_with_event_listener(
app: android_activity::AndroidApp,
listener: impl Fn(&android_activity::PollEvent<'_>) + 'static,
) -> Result<(), SetPlatformError> {
i_slint_backend_android_activity::AndroidPlatform::new_with_event_listener(app, listener),