Class Value¶
Defined in File sixtyfps_interpreter.h
Class Documentation¶
class sixtyfps::interpreter::Value¶
This is a dynamically typed value used in the SixtyFPS interpreter. It can hold a value of different types, and you should use the different overloaded constructors and the to_xxx() functions to access the value within.
It is also possible to query the type the value holds by calling the Value::type() function.
Note that models are only represented in one direction: You can create a sixtyfps::Model<Value> in C++, store it in a std::shared_ptr and construct Value from it. Then you can set it on a property in your .60 code that was declared to be either an array (
property <[sometype]> foo;
) or an object literal (property <{foo: string, bar: int}> my_prop;
). Such properties are dynamic and accept models implemented in C++.Value v(42.0); // Creates a value that holds a double with the value 42. Value some_value = ...; // Check if the value has a string if (std::optional<sixtyfps::SharedString> string_value = some_value.to_string()) do_something(*string_value); // Extract the string by de-referencing
Public Types
enum Type¶
This enum describes the different types the Value class can represent.
enumerator Void¶
The variant that expresses the non-type. This is the default.
enumerator Number¶
or afloat
(this is also used for unit based type such aslength
enumerator String¶
Correspond to the
type in .60.
enumerator Bool¶
Correspond to the
type in .60.
enumerator Array¶
An Array in the .60 language.
enumerator Model¶
A more complex model which is not created by the interpreter itself (Type::Array can also be used for models)
enumerator Struct¶
An object.
enumerator Brush¶
Correspond to
type in .60. For color, this is then a sixtyfps::Brush with just a color.
enumerator Image¶
Correspond to
type in .60.
enumerator Other¶
The type is not a public type but something internal.
enumerator Void¶
Public Functions
inline Value()¶
Constructs a new value of type Value::Type::Void.
inline ~Value()¶
Destroys the value.
inline std::optional<double> to_number() const¶
Returns a std::optional that contains a double if the type of this Value is Type::Double, otherwise an empty optional is returned.
inline std::optional<sixtyfps::SharedString> to_string() const¶
Returns a std::optional that contains a string if the type of this Value is Type::String, otherwise an empty optional is returned.
inline std::optional<bool> to_bool() const¶
Returns a std::optional that contains a bool if the type of this Value is Type::Bool, otherwise an empty optional is returned.
inline std::optional<sixtyfps::SharedVector<Value>> to_array() const¶
Returns a std::optional that contains a vector of values if the type of this Value is Type::Array, otherwise an empty optional is returned.
inline std::optional<sixtyfps::Brush> to_brush() const¶
Returns a std::optional that contains a brush if the type of this Value is Type::Brush, otherwise an empty optional is returned.
inline std::optional<Struct> to_struct() const¶
Returns a std::optional that contains a Struct if the type of this Value is Type::Struct, otherwise an empty optional is returned.
inline std::optional<Image> to_image() const¶
Returns a std::optional that contains an Image if the type of this Value is Type::Image, otherwise an empty optional is returned.
Constructs a new Value that holds the string str.
Constructs a new Value that holds the value vector v.
Constructs a new Value that holds the value model m.
- inline friend friend bool operator== (const Value &a, const Value &b)
Returns true if and hold values of the same type and the underlying vales are equal.
- inline friend friend bool operator!= (const Value &a, const Value &b)
Returns true if and hold values of the same type and the underlying vales are not equal.
enum Type¶