Struct SharedString¶
Defined in File sixtyfps_string.h
Struct Documentation¶
struct sixtyfps::SharedString¶
A string type used by the SixtyFPS run-time.
SharedString uses implicit data sharing to make it efficient to pass around copies. When copying, a reference to the data is cloned, not the data itself.
The class provides constructors from std::string_view as well as the automatic conversion to a std::string_view.
For convenience, it’s also possible to convert a number to a string using SharedString::from_number(double).
Under the hood the string data is UTF-8 encoded and it is always terminated with a null character.
Public Functions
inline SharedString()¶
Creates an empty default constructed string.
inline SharedString(std::string_view s)¶
Creates a new SharedString from the string view s. The underlying string data is copied.
inline SharedString(const char *s)¶
Creates a new SharedString from the null-terminated string pointer s. The underlying string data is copied. It is assumed that the string is UTF-8 encoded.
inline SharedString(const SharedString &other)¶
Creates a new SharedString from other.
inline ~SharedString()¶
Destroys this SharedString and frees the memory if this is the last instance referencing it.
inline SharedString &operator=(const SharedString &other)¶
Assigns other to this string and returns a reference to this string.
inline SharedString &operator=(std::string_view s)¶
Assigns the string view s to this string and returns a reference to this string. The underlying string data is copied. It is assumed that the string is UTF-8 encoded.
inline SharedString &operator=(const char *s)¶
Assigns null-terminated string pointer s to this string and returns a reference to this string. The underlying string data is copied. It is assumed that the string is UTF-8 encoded.
inline SharedString &operator=(SharedString &&other)¶
Move-assigns other to this SharedString instance.
inline operator std::string_view() const¶
Provides a view to the string data. The returned view is only valid as long as at least this SharedString exists.
inline auto data() const -> const char*¶
Provides a raw pointer to the string data. The returned pointer is only valid as long as at least this SharedString exists.
inline const char *begin() const¶
Returns a pointer to the first character. It is only safe to dereference the pointer if the string contains at least one character.
inline const char *end() const¶
Returns a point past the last character of the string. It is not safe to dereference the pointer, but it is suitable for comparison.
inline bool empty() const¶
- Returns
true if the string contains no characters; false otherwise.
inline bool starts_with(std::string_view prefix) const¶
- Returns
true if the string starts with the specified prefix string; false otherwise
inline bool ends_with(std::string_view prefix) const¶
- Returns
true if the string ends with the specified prefix string; false otherwise
inline SharedString &operator+=(std::string_view other)¶
Appends other to this string and returns a reference to this.
Public Static Functions
static inline SharedString from_number(double n)¶
Creates a new SharedString from the given number n. The string representation of the number uses a minimal formatting scheme: If n has no fractional part, the number will be formatted as an integer.
For example:
auto str = sixtyfps::SharedString::from_number(42); // creates "42" auto str2 = sixtyfps::SharedString::from_number(100.5) // creates "100.5"
- inline friend friend bool operator== (const SharedString &a, const SharedString &b)
Returns true if a is equal to b; otherwise returns false.
- inline friend friend bool operator!= (const SharedString &a, const SharedString &b)
Returns true if a is not equal to b; otherwise returns false.
- inline friend friend bool operator< (const SharedString &a, const SharedString &b)
Returns true if a is lexicographically less than b; false otherwise.
- inline friend friend bool operator<= (const SharedString &a, const SharedString &b)
Returns true if a is lexicographically less or equal than b; false otherwise.
- inline friend friend bool operator> (const SharedString &a, const SharedString &b)
Returns true if a is lexicographically greater than b; false otherwise.
- inline friend friend bool operator>= (const SharedString &a, const SharedString &b)
Returns true if a is lexicographically greater or equal than b; false otherwise.
- inline friend friend std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SharedString &shared_string)
Writes the shared_string to the specified stream and returns a reference to the stream.
- inline friend friend SharedString operator+ (const SharedString &a, std::string_view b)
Concatenates a and and returns the result as a new SharedString.
- inline friend friend SharedString operator+ (SharedString &&a, std::string_view b)
Move-concatenates b to and returns a reference to a.
inline SharedString()¶