Generated code

The Slint compiler called by the build system will generate a header file for the root .slint file. This header file will contain a class with the same name as the component.

This class will have the following public member functions:

  • A create constructor function and a destructor.

  • A show function, which will show the component on the screen. Note that in order to render and react to user input, it’s still necessary to spin the event loop, by calling slint::run_event_loop() or using the convenience fun function in this class.

  • A hide function, which de-registers the component from the windowing system.

  • A window function that provides access to the slint::Window, allow for further customization towards the windowing system.

  • A run convenience function, which will show the component and starts the event loop.

  • for each properties:

    • A getter get_<property_name> returning the property type.

    • A setter set_<property_name> taking the new value of the property by const reference

  • for each callbacks:

    • invoke_<callback_name> function which takes the callback argument as parameter and call the callback.

    • on_<callback_name> function which takes a functor as an argument and sets the callback handler for this callback. the functor must accept the type parameter of the callback

  • A global function, to provide access to any exported global singletons.

The class is instantiated with the create function, which returns the type wrapped in slint::ComponentHandle. This is a smart pointer that owns the actual instance and keeps it alive as long as at least one slint::ComponentHandle is in scope, similar to std::shared_ptr<T>.

For more complex UIs it is common to supply data in the form of an abstract data model, that is used with for - in repetitions or ListView elements in the .slint language. All models in C++ are sub-classes of the slint::Model and you can sub-class it yourself. For convenience, the slint::VectorModel provides an implementation that is backed by a std::vector<T>.


Let’s assume we have this code in our .slint file

SampleComponent := Window {
    property<int> counter;
    property<string> user_name;
    callback hello;
    // ... maybe more elements here

This will generate a header with the following contents (edited for documentation purpose)

#include <array>
#include <limits>
#include <slint.h>

class SampleComponent {
    /// Constructor function
    inline auto create () -> slint::ComponentHandle<MainWindow>;
    /// Destructor
    inline ~SampleComponent ();

    /// Show this component, and runs the event loop
    inline void run () const;

    /// Show the window that renders this component. Call `slint::run_event_loop()`
    /// to continuously render the contents and react to user input.
    inline void show () const;

    /// Hide the window that renders this component.
    inline void hide () const;

    /// Getter for the `counter` property
    inline int get_counter () const;
    /// Setter for the `counter` property
    inline void set_counter (const int &value) const;

    /// Getter for the `user_name` property
    inline slint::SharedString get_user_name () const;
    /// Setter for the `user_name` property
    inline void set_user_name (const slint::SharedString &value) const;

    /// Call this function to call the `hello` callback
    inline void invoke_hello () const;
    /// Sets the callback handler for the `hello` callback.
    template<typename Functor> inline void on_hello (Functor && callback_handler) const;

    /// Returns a reference to a global singleton that's exported.
    /// **Note:** Only globals that are exported or re-exported from the main .slint file will
    /// be exposed in the API
    inline template<typename T>
    const T &global() const;

    /// private fields omitted

Global Singletons

In .slint files it is possible to declare singletons that are globally available. You can access them from to your C++ code by exporting them and using the global() getter function in the C++ class generated for your entry component. Each global singleton creates a class that has getter/setter functions for properties and callbacks, similar to API that’s created for your .slint component, as demonstrated in the previous section.

For example the following .slint markup defines a global Logic singleton that’s also exported:

export global Logic := {
    callback to_uppercase(string) -> string;

If this were used together with the SampleComponent from the previous section, then you can access it like this:

    auto app = SampleComponent::create();
    // ...
    app->global<Logic>().on_to_uppercase([](SharedString str) -> SharedString {
        std::string arg(str);
        std::transform(arg.begin(), arg.end(), arg.begin(), toupper);
        return SharedString(arg);