Class Color#

Class Documentation#

class Color#

Color represents a color in the Slint run-time, represented using 8-bit channels for red, green, blue and the alpha (opacity).

Public Functions

inline Color()#

Default constructs a new color that is entirely transparent.

inline Color(const RgbaColor<uint8_t> &col)#

Constructs a new color from the given RgbaColor<uint8_t> col.

inline Color(const RgbaColor<float> &col)#

Constructs a new color from the given RgbaColor<float> col.

inline uint32_t as_argb_encoded() const#

Returns (alpha, red, green, blue) encoded as uint32_t.

inline RgbaColor<uint8_t> to_argb_uint() const#

Converts this color to an RgbaColor struct for easy destructuring.

inline RgbaColor<float> to_argb_float() const#

Converts this color to an RgbaColor struct for easy destructuring.

inline uint8_t red() const#

Returns the red channel of the color as u8 in the range 0..255.

inline uint8_t green() const#

Returns the green channel of the color as u8 in the range 0..255.

inline uint8_t blue() const#

Returns the blue channel of the color as u8 in the range 0..255.

inline uint8_t alpha() const#

Returns the alpha channel of the color as u8 in the range 0..255.

inline Color brighter(float factor) const#

Returns a new version of this color that has the brightness increased by the specified factor. This is done by converting the color to the HSV color space and multiplying the brightness (value) with (1 + factor). The result is converted back to RGB and the alpha channel is unchanged. So for example brighter(0.2) will increase the brightness by 20%, and calling brighter(-0.5) will return a color that’s 50% darker.

inline Color darker(float factor) const#

Returns a new version of this color that has the brightness decreased by the specified factor. This is done by converting the color to the HSV color space and dividing the brightness (value) by (1 + factor). The result is converted back to RGB and the alpha channel is unchanged. So for example darker(0.3) will decrease the brightness by 30%.

inline Color transparentize(float factor) const#

Returns a new version of this color with the opacity decreased by factor.

The transparency is obtained by multiplying the alpha channel by (1 - factor).

inline Color mix(const Color &other, float factor) const#

Returns a new color that is a mix of this and other, with a proportion factor given by factor (which will be clamped to be between 0.0 and 1.0).

inline Color with_alpha(float alpha) const#

Returns a new version of this color with the opacity set to alpha.

Public Static Functions

static inline Color from_argb_encoded(uint32_t argb_encoded)#

Construct a color from an integer encoded as 0xAARRGGBB

static inline Color from_argb_uint8(uint8_t alpha, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)#

Construct a color from the alpha, red, green and blue color channel parameters.

static inline Color from_rgb_uint8(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)#

Construct a color from the red, green and blue color channel parameters. The alpha channel will have the value 255.

static inline Color from_argb_float(float alpha, float red, float green, float blue)#

Construct a color from the alpha, red, green and blue color channel parameters.

static inline Color from_rgb_float(float red, float green, float blue)#

Construct a color from the red, green and blue color channel parameters. The alpha channel will have the value 255.


friend class private_api::LinearGradientBrush
friend bool operator==(const Color &lhs, const Color &rhs) = default#

Returns true if lhs has the same values for the individual color channels as rhs; false otherwise.

inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Color &color)#

Writes the color to the specified stream and returns a reference to the stream.