Custom Control Introduction#
Use Property Bindings to Synchronize Controls#
import { VerticalBox, Slider } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component Recipe inherits Window {
VerticalBox {
slider := Slider {
maximum: 100;
Text {
text: "Value: \{round(slider.value)}";
This example introduces the Slider
It also introduces interpolation in string literals: Use \{...}
to render
the result of code between the curly braces as a string.
Animation Examples#
Animate the Position of an Element#
import { CheckBox } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component Recipe inherits Window {
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
rect := Rectangle {
y: 5px;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
background: blue;
animate x {
duration: 500ms;
easing: ease-in-out;
CheckBox {
y: 25px;
text: "Align rect to the right";
toggled => {
if (self.checked) {
rect.x = parent.width - rect.width;
} else {
rect.x = 0px;
Layouts position elements automatically. In this example we manually position
elements instead, using the x
, y
, width
, height
Notice the animate x
block that specifies an animation. It’s run whenever the
property changes: Either because a callback sets the property, or because
its binding value changes.
Animation Sequence#
import { CheckBox } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component Recipe inherits Window {
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
rect := Rectangle {
y: 5px;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
background: blue;
animate x {
duration: 500ms;
easing: ease-in-out;
animate y {
duration: 250ms;
delay: 500ms;
easing: ease-in;
CheckBox {
y: 25px;
text: "Align rect bottom right";
toggled => {
if (self.checked) {
rect.x = parent.width - rect.width;
rect.y = parent.height - rect.height;
} else {
rect.x = 0px;
rect.y = 0px;
This example uses the delay
property to make one animation run after another.
States Examples#
Associate Property Values With States#
import { HorizontalBox, VerticalBox, Button } from "std-widgets.slint";
component Circle inherits Rectangle {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
border-radius: root.width / 2;
animate x { duration: 250ms; easing: ease-in; }
animate y { duration: 250ms; easing: ease-in-out; }
animate background { duration: 250ms; }
export component Recipe inherits Window {
states [
left-aligned when b1.pressed: {
circle1.x: 0px; circle1.y: 40px; circle1.background: green;
circle2.x: 0px; circle2.y: 0px; circle2.background: blue;
right-aligned when b2.pressed: {
circle1.x: 170px; circle1.y: 70px; circle1.background: green;
circle2.x: 170px; circle2.y: 00px; circle2.background: blue;
VerticalBox {
HorizontalBox {
max-height: self.min-height;
b1 := Button {
text: "State 1";
b2 := Button {
text: "State 2";
Rectangle {
background: root.background.darker(20%);
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
circle1 := Circle { y:0; background: green; x: 85px; }
circle2 := Circle { background: green; x: 85px; y: 40px; }
import { HorizontalBox, VerticalBox, Button } from "std-widgets.slint";
component Circle inherits Rectangle {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
border-radius: root.width / 2;
export component Recipe inherits Window {
states [
left-aligned when b1.pressed: {
circle1.x: 0px; circle1.y: 40px;
circle2.x: 0px; circle2.y: 0px;
in {
animate circle1.x, circle2.x { duration: 250ms; }
out {
animate circle1.x, circle2.x { duration: 500ms; }
right-aligned when !b1.pressed: {
circle1.x: 170px; circle1.y: 70px;
circle2.x: 170px; circle2.y: 00px;
VerticalBox {
HorizontalBox {
max-height: self.min-height;
b1 := Button {
text: "Press and hold to change state";
Rectangle {
background: root.background.darker(20%);
width: 250px;
height: 100px;
circle1 := Circle { y:0; background: green; x: 85px; }
circle2 := Circle { background: blue; x: 85px; y: 40px; }
Layout Examples#
import { VerticalBox, Button } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component Recipe inherits Window {
VerticalBox {
Button { text: "First"; }
Button { text: "Second"; }
Button { text: "Third"; }
import { HorizontalBox, Button } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component Recipe inherits Window {
HorizontalBox {
Button { text: "First"; }
Button { text: "Second"; }
Button { text: "Third"; }
import { GridBox, Button, Slider } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component Recipe inherits Window {
GridBox {
Row {
Button { text: "First"; }
Button { text: "Second"; }
Row {
Button { text: "Third"; }
Button { text: "Fourth"; }
Row {
Slider {
colspan: 2;
Global Callbacks#
Invoke a Globally Registered Native Callback from Slint#
This example uses a global singleton to implement common logic in native code. This singleton may also store properties that are accessible to native code.
Note: The preview visualize the Slint code only. It’s not connected to the native code.
import { HorizontalBox, VerticalBox, LineEdit } from "std-widgets.slint";
export global Logic {
pure callback to-upper-case(string) -> string;
// You can collect other global properties here
export component Recipe inherits Window {
VerticalBox {
input := LineEdit {
text: "Text to be transformed";
HorizontalBox {
Text { text: "Transformed:"; }
// Callback invoked in binding expression
Text {
text: {;
Rust code
In Rust you can set the callback like this:slint::slint!{
import { HorizontalBox, VerticalBox, LineEdit } from "std-widgets.slint";
export global Logic {
pure callback to-upper-case(string) -> string;
// You can collect other global properties here
export Recipe := Window {
VerticalBox {
input := LineEdit {
text: "Text to be transformed";
HorizontalBox {
Text { text: "Transformed:"; }
// Callback invoked in binding expression
Text {
text: {;
fn main() {
let recipe = Recipe::new().unwrap();<Logic>().on_to_upper_case(|string| {
// ...
C++ code
In C++ you can set the callback like this:int main(int argc, char **argv)
auto recipe = Recipe::create();
recipe->global<Logic>().on_to_upper_case([](slint::SharedString str) -> slint::SharedString {
std::string arg(str);
std::transform(arg.begin(), arg.end(), arg.begin(), toupper);
return slint::SharedString(arg);
// ...
JavaScript code
In JavaScript you can set the callback like this:let slint = require("slint-ui");
let file = slint.loadFile("recipe.slint");
let recipe = new file.Recipe();
recipe.Logic.to_upper_case = (str) => {
return str.toUpperCase();
// ...
Custom Widgets#
export component ToggleSwitch inherits Rectangle {
callback toggled;
in-out property <string> text;
in-out property <bool> checked;
in-out property<bool> enabled <=> touch-area.enabled;
height: 20px;
horizontal-stretch: 0;
vertical-stretch: 0;
HorizontalLayout {
spacing: 8px;
indicator := Rectangle {
width: 40px;
border-width: 1px;
border-radius: root.height / 2;
border-color: self.background.darker(25%);
background: root.enabled ? (root.checked ? blue: white) : white;
animate background { duration: 100ms; }
bubble := Rectangle {
width: root.height - 8px;
height: bubble.width;
border-radius: bubble.height / 2;
y: 4px;
x: 4px + self.a * (indicator.width - bubble.width - 8px);
property <float> a: root.checked ? 1 : 0;
background: root.checked ? white : (root.enabled ? blue : gray);
animate a, background { duration: 200ms; easing: ease;}
Text {
min-width: max(100px, self.preferred-width);
text: root.text;
vertical-alignment: center;
color: root.enabled ? black : gray;
touch-area := TouchArea {
width: root.width;
height: root.height;
clicked => {
if (root.enabled) {
root.checked = !root.checked;
export component Recipe inherits Window {
VerticalLayout {
alignment: start;
ToggleSwitch { text: "Toggle me"; }
ToggleSwitch { text: "Disabled"; enabled: false; }
The TouchArea
is covering the entire widget, so you can drag this slider from
any point within itself.
import { VerticalBox } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component MySlider inherits Rectangle {
in-out property<float> maximum: 100;
in-out property<float> minimum: 0;
in-out property<float> value;
min-height: 24px;
min-width: 100px;
horizontal-stretch: 1;
vertical-stretch: 0;
border-radius: root.height/2;
background: touch.pressed ? #eee: #ddd;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: root.background.darker(25%);
handle := Rectangle {
width: self.height;
height: parent.height;
border-width: 3px;
border-radius: self.height / 2;
background: touch.pressed ? #f8f: touch.has-hover ? #66f : #0000ff;
border-color: self.background.darker(15%);
x: (root.width - handle.width) * (root.value - root.minimum)/(root.maximum - root.minimum);
touch := TouchArea {
property <float> pressed-value;
pointer-event(event) => {
if (event.button == PointerEventButton.left && event.kind == PointerEventKind.down) {
self.pressed-value = root.value;
moved => {
if (self.enabled && self.pressed) {
root.value = max(root.minimum, min(root.maximum,
self.pressed-value + (touch.mouse-x - touch.pressed-x) * (root.maximum - root.minimum) / (root.width - handle.width)));
export component Recipe inherits Window {
VerticalBox {
alignment: start;
slider := MySlider {
maximum: 100;
Text {
text: "Value: \{round(slider.value)}";
This example show another implementation that has a drag-able handle: The handle only moves when we click on that handle. The TouchArea is within the handle and moves with the handle.
import { VerticalBox } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component MySlider inherits Rectangle {
in-out property<float> maximum: 100;
in-out property<float> minimum: 0;
in-out property<float> value;
min-height: 24px;
min-width: 100px;
horizontal-stretch: 1;
vertical-stretch: 0;
border-radius: root.height/2;
background: touch.pressed ? #eee: #ddd;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: root.background.darker(25%);
handle := Rectangle {
width: self.height;
height: parent.height;
border-width: 3px;
border-radius: self.height / 2;
background: touch.pressed ? #f8f: touch.has-hover ? #66f : #0000ff;
border-color: self.background.darker(15%);
x: (root.width - handle.width) * (root.value - root.minimum)/(root.maximum - root.minimum);
touch := TouchArea {
moved => {
if (self.enabled && self.pressed) {
root.value = max(root.minimum, min(root.maximum,
root.value + (self.mouse-x - self.pressed-x) * (root.maximum - root.minimum) / root.width));
export component Recipe inherits Window {
VerticalBox {
alignment: start;
slider := MySlider {
maximum: 100;
Text {
text: "Value: \{round(slider.value)}";
Custom Tabs#
Use this recipe as a basis to when you want to create your own custom tab widget.
import { Button } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component Recipe inherits Window {
preferred-height: 200px;
in-out property <int> active-tab;
VerticalLayout {
tab_bar := HorizontalLayout {
spacing: 3px;
Button {
text: "Red";
clicked => { = 0; }
Button {
text: "Blue";
clicked => { = 1; }
Button {
text: "Green";
clicked => { = 2; }
Rectangle {
clip: true;
Rectangle {
background: red;
x: == 0 ? 0 : < 0 ? - self.width - 1px : parent.width + 1px;
animate x { duration: 125ms; easing: ease; }
Rectangle {
background: blue;
x: == 1 ? 0 : < 1 ? - self.width - 1px : parent.width + 1px;
animate x { duration: 125ms; easing: ease; }
Rectangle {
background: green;
x: == 2 ? 0 : < 2 ? - self.width - 1px : parent.width + 1px;
animate x { duration: 125ms; easing: ease; }
Custom Table View#
Slint provides a table widget, but you can also do something custom based on a
import { VerticalBox, ListView } from "std-widgets.slint";
component TableView inherits Rectangle {
in property <[string]> columns;
in property <[[string]]> values;
private property <length> e: self.width / root.columns.length;
private property <[length]> column_sizes: [
root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e,
root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e,
root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e, root.e,
VerticalBox {
padding: 5px;
HorizontalLayout {
padding: 5px; spacing: 5px;
vertical-stretch: 0;
for title[idx] in root.columns : HorizontalLayout {
width: root.column_sizes[idx];
Text { overflow: elide; text: title; }
Rectangle {
width: 1px;
background: gray;
TouchArea {
width: 10px;
x: (parent.width - self.width) / 2;
property <length> cached;
pointer-event(event) => {
if (event.button == PointerEventButton.left && event.kind == PointerEventKind.down) {
self.cached = root.column_sizes[idx];
moved => {
if (self.pressed) {
root.column_sizes[idx] += (self.mouse-x - self.pressed-x);
if (root.column_sizes[idx] < 0) {
root.column_sizes[idx] = 0;
mouse-cursor: ew-resize;
ListView {
for r in root.values : HorizontalLayout {
padding: 5px;
spacing: 5px;
for t[idx] in r : HorizontalLayout {
width: root.column_sizes[idx];
Text { overflow: elide; text: t; }
export component Example inherits Window {
TableView {
columns: ["Device", "Mount Point", "Total", "Free"];
values: [
["/dev/sda1", "/", "255GB", "82.2GB"] ,
["/dev/sda2", "/tmp", "60.5GB", "44.5GB"] ,
["/dev/sdb1", "/home", "255GB", "32.2GB"] ,
Breakpoints for Responsive User Interfaces#
Use recipe implements a responsive SideBar that collapses when the parent width is smaller than the given break-point. When clicking the Button, the SideBar expands again. Use the blue Splitter to resize the container and test the responsive behavior.
import { Button, StyleMetrics } from "std-widgets.slint";
export component SideBar inherits Rectangle {
private property <bool> collapsed: root.reference-width < root.break-point;
/// Defines the reference width to check `break-point`.
in-out property <length> reference-width;
/// If `reference-width` is less `break-point` the `SideBar` collapses.
in-out property <length> break-point: 600px;
/// Set the text of the expand button.
in-out property <string> expand-button-text;
width: 160px;
container := Rectangle {
private property <bool> expaned;
width: parent.width;
background: StyleMetrics.window-background.darker(0.2);
VerticalLayout {
padding: 2px;
alignment: start;
HorizontalLayout {
alignment: start;
if (root.collapsed) : Button {
checked: container.expaned;
text: root.expand-button-text;
clicked => {
container.expaned = !container.expaned;
states [
expaned when container.expaned && root.collapsed : {
width: 160px;
in {
animate width { duration: 200ms; }
out {
animate width { duration: 200ms; }
in {
animate width { duration: 200ms; }
out {
animate width { duration: 200ms; }
states [
collapsed when root.collapsed : {
width: 62px;
component Splitter inherits TouchArea {
width: 4px;
mouse-cursor: ew-resize;
Rectangle {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: blue;
export component SideBarTest inherits Window {
preferred-width: 700px;
min-height: 400px;
background: gray;
GridLayout {
x: 0;
width: splitter.x;
Rectangle {
height: 100%;
col: 1;
background: white;
HorizontalLayout {
padding: 8px;
Text {
color: black;
text: "Content";
SideBar {
col: 0;
reference-width: parent.width;
expand-button-text: "E";
splitter := Splitter {
x: root.width - self.width;
height: 100%;
moved => {
self.x = min(root.width - self.width, max(400px, self.x + self.mouse-x - self.pressed-x));