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// Copyright © SixtyFPS GmbH <info@slint.dev>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Slint-Royalty-free-1.1 OR LicenseRef-Slint-commercial
This is a pseudo module which only exist for documentation purposes as a way to show
the Slint documentation as part of rustdoc.
- The [`generated_code`] module contains an [commented example](generated_code::SampleComponent)
of what is generated from the `.slint` file
// cSpell: ignore rustdoc
/// This module exists only to explain the API of the code generated from `.slint` design markup. Its described structure
/// is not really contained in the compiled crate.
pub mod generated_code {
use crate::ComponentHandle;
use crate::Global;
use crate::Weak;
use crate::Window;
/// This an example of the API that is generated for a component in `.slint` design markup. This may help you understand
/// what functions you can call and how you can pass data in and out.
/// This is the source code:
/// ```slint,no-preview
/// export component SampleComponent inherits Window {
/// in-out property<int> counter;
/// // note that dashes will be replaced by underscores in the generated code
/// in-out property<string> user-name;
/// callback hello();
/// // ... maybe more elements here
/// }
/// ```
pub struct SampleComponent {}
impl SampleComponent {
/// Creates a new instance that is reference counted and pinned in memory.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, crate::PlatformError> {
/// A getter is generated for each property declared at the root of the component.
/// In this case, this is the getter that returns the value of the `counter`
/// property declared in the `.slint` design markup.
pub fn get_counter(&self) -> i32 {
/// A setter is generated for each property declared at the root of the component,
/// In this case, this is the setter that sets the value of the `counter` property
/// declared in the `.slint` design markup.
pub fn set_counter(&self, value: i32) {}
/// Returns the value of the `user_name` property declared in the `.slint` design markup.
pub fn get_user_name(&self) -> crate::SharedString {
/// Assigns a new value to the `user_name` property.
pub fn set_user_name(&self, value: crate::SharedString) {}
/// For each callback declared at the root of the component, a function to call that
/// callback is generated. This is the function that calls the `hello` callback declared
/// in the `.slint` design markup.
pub fn invoke_hello(&self) {}
/// For each callback declared at the root of the component, a function connect to that callback
/// is generated. This is the function that registers the function f as callback when the
/// callback `hello` is emitted. In order to access
/// the component in the callback, you'd typically capture a weak reference obtained using
/// [`ComponentHandle::as_weak`]
/// and then upgrade it to a strong reference when the callback is run:
/// ```ignore
/// let sample = SampleComponent::new().unwrap();
/// let sample_weak = sample.as_weak();
/// sample.as_ref().on_hello(move || {
/// let sample = sample_weak.unwrap();
/// sample.as_ref().set_counter(42);
/// });
/// ```
pub fn on_hello(&self, f: impl Fn() + 'static) {}
impl ComponentHandle for SampleComponent {
type Inner = SampleComponent;
/// Returns a new weak pointer.
fn as_weak(&self) -> Weak<Self> {
/// Returns a clone of this handle that's a strong reference.
fn clone_strong(&self) -> Self {
fn from_inner(
_: vtable::VRc<crate::private_unstable_api::re_exports::ItemTreeVTable, Self::Inner>,
) -> Self {
/// Convenience function for [`crate::Window::show()`]. This shows the window on the screen
/// and maintains an extra strong reference while the window is visible. To react
/// to events from the windowing system, such as draw requests or mouse/touch input, it is
/// still necessary to spin the event loop, using [`crate::run_event_loop`].
fn show(&self) -> Result<(), crate::PlatformError> {
/// Convenience function for [`crate::Window::hide()`]. Hides the window, so that it is not
/// visible anymore. The additional strong reference on the associated component, that was
/// created when show() was called, is dropped.
fn hide(&self) -> Result<(), crate::PlatformError> {
/// Returns the Window associated with this component. The window API can be used
/// to control different aspects of the integration into the windowing system,
/// such as the position on the screen.
fn window(&self) -> &Window {
/// This is a convenience function that first calls [`Self::show`], followed by [`crate::run_event_loop()`]
/// and [`Self::hide`].
fn run(&self) -> Result<(), crate::PlatformError> {
/// This function provides access to instances of global singletons exported in `.slint`.
fn global<'a, T: Global<'a, Self>>(&'a self) -> T {
pub mod mcu {
#![doc = include_str!("mcu.md")]
use crate::platform::software_renderer::*;
use crate::platform::*;
mod slint {
pub use crate::*;
pub mod cargo_features {
//! # Feature flags and backend selection.
//! Use the following feature flags in your Cargo.toml to enable additional features.
#![cfg_attr(feature = "document-features", doc = document_features::document_features!())]
//! More information about the backend and renderers is available in the
#, "/docs/slint/src/advanced/backends_and_renderers.html)")]
use crate::*;
pub mod type_mappings {
#![doc = include_str!("type-mappings.md")]
use crate::*;