Function loadFile

  • Loads the specified Slint file and returns an object containing functions to construct the exported components defined within the Slint file.

    The following example loads a "Hello World" style Slint file and changes the Text label to a new greeting: main.slint:

    export component Main inherits Window {
    in-out property <string> greeting <=> label.text;
    label := Text {
    text: "Hello World";


    import * as slint from "slint-ui";
    let ui = slint.loadFile("main.slint");
    let main = new ui.Main();
    main.greeting = "Hello friends";


    • filePath: string

      The path to the file to load. Relative paths are resolved against the process' current working directory.

    • Optional options: LoadFileOptions

      An optional LoadFileOptions to configure additional Slint compilation settings, such as include search paths, library imports, or the widget style.

    Returns Object

    Returns an object that is immutable and provides a constructor function for each exported Window component found in the .slint file. For instance, in the example above, a Main property is available, which can be used to create instances of the Main component using the new keyword. These instances offer properties and event handlers, adhering to the ComponentHandle interface. For further information on the available properties, refer to Instantiating A Component.


    CompileError if errors occur during compilation.