STMicroelectronics’ STM32Cube Ecosystem

Slint provides a platform integration with into STMicroelectronics’ (STM) STM32Cube software platform. It uses the BSP_TS APIs to retrieve touch input and uses the BSP_LCD and HAL_LTDC APIs to render to the screen with double-buffering.


To build a C++ application with Slint for STM32 MCUs, install the following tools:

First Steps

We provide templates for different STM32 Discovery Kits that provide:

  • A pre-configured build system.

  • Application skeleton source code with sample Slint UI.

  • Example usage of callbacks, properties, and basic widgets.

To get started, select a download from the following table. If your board is not included in the table below, see our Generic Instructions for Slint on STM32 MCUs instructions.

STM32 Board Download
STM32H747I-DISCO: Dual-core Arm M7/M4 MCU with 4” touch LCD display module
STM32H735G-DK: Arm M7 MCU with 4” touch LCD display module
  1. Download and extract the archive that matches our STM32 Discovery Kit.

  2. Open the extracted folder with VS Code.

  3. Configure the project either via “CMake: Select Configure Preset” from the command palette or the CMake extension panel.

  4. Build, Flash to Device, and debug by hitting F5 or running the CMake: Debug command from the command palette.

Next Steps